October 1, 2016


Conceived by Jim Hoehnle and Chris Bentzen in 2004, Hot One Inch Action is the original, one-night only show of button art and social interaction from Vancouver, BC. The tiny art of fifty different artists reproduced on limited edition one inch buttons and sold in random packs of five for $5. Didn’t get the button you want? Trade with the people around you… how bad do you want that button?! That’s when the hot action starts.

Click here to see photos from the show on Flickr >

Artists: Alex Pelletier, Amanda Weedmark, Amy Tom, Andrea Alcaraz, Andrea Hooge, Box191, Brian Bredonia, Bryce Aspinall, Cam Thorpe, Caprice White, Daniel Duncan, Deniz Bilgin, Dylan Moore, Erika Medina, Ethan Hunt, Flavia, Francis Bantayen, Gabrielle Ng, Hazel Cheng, Heather Curtis , Jackson Smith, Jaclyn Lord-Purcell, Janice Cheng, Jason Beange, Jenn Brisson, Jennifer Chernecki, Karla Monterrosa, Katie Moerman, Kimberly Parker, Maggie Chan, Maia Boakye, Mandy Lau, May Wa Leng, Megan Majewski, Mike West, Morgane Billault, Nigel Elliott, PH Woo, phresha, Sarah Thompson, Sean Moxley, Serena Bon-Binky, Serena Chu, Sidne Marat, Solaleh Kazemi, Tania Hennessy, Taylor Krulicki, Tessa Joyce Riecken, Toxic Treats and Vincent Truitner.

© 2014 Hot Art Wet City