featuring iHeart
December 1–17, 2016
Sell Out features a fun and twisted collection of new and old works by the mysterious Vancouver street artist, iHeart. As a work sells, a new piece will replace it. Leaving you wondering what will be next. It’s the perfect gift for the street art lover in your life!
Click here to see photos from the show on Flickr >
i♥️ was born somewhere in western Canada, sometime in the late ’80s. Given the nature of what he does, iHeart remains anonymous. By appropriating elements of digital culture the artist blurs the boundaries of life on- and offline. iHeart’s solo exhibition, #asignofthetimes, was an unsanctioned gallery installed under the Granville Street Bridge in the summer of 2015. The show explored some dark twists on society’s obsession with social media. Despite the City of Vancouver’s efforts to curb iHeart’s nefarious behaviour the artist continues to live and work in Vancouver.