HOT TALKS: Johnathon Vaughn Strebly
January 23, 2014


Creative Blocks & Coloured Bricks


LEGO as a muse? Seriously? How could a designer, or any creative professional, possibly find inspiration from a simple plastic toy brick? Creative Blocks & Coloured Bricks will feature a blatant disregard to traditional creative process tactics and focus on playful techniques for smoothing out the speed bumps of creative blocks. We all love the thrill we feel when an idea forms, a project takes shape, the imagination surges, and a client smiles. I look forward to sharing how one particular playful process not only brought back the fun of creativity, but also serendipitously re-awakened essential design principles and practices. Work should be fun. Let’s play.

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Johnathon Vaughn Strebly has decades of experience and involvement in the creative industries, generating positive results for the people and organizations he works with. Committed to encouraging growth as well as change in the creative and applied arts, Johnathon is a past president of CAPIC Vancouver and currently sits as President of the vibrant GDCBC Executive. He is a founding committee member for Creative Mornings Vancouver and a contributor to local design institutions. Johnathon was the Program Coordinator for three design programs at Langara College, where he directly influenced the growth of young designers by teaching them the tried and true principles of design while balancing the difficult challenges of today’s design environment. Due to a lifelong obsession for fine food and drink, Johnathon is the co-creator of Gourmet vs Gourmand, a video based celebration of food culture. Johnathon is an old school punk rocker turned design professional. The mohawk may be gone but he still stands by its ethos: Create change from the inside.

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