7pm (doors 6:45)
at Little Mountain Gallery
$17 (plus GST & s/c)
Before it becomes condos, join us for our final edition of Come Draw with Me! at Little Mountain Gallery (195 E 26th Ave, Vancouver)! Come Draw with Me! features audience drawings, marker sniffing, and host Alicia Tobin. Part comedy show, part art class… well, not really. You’ll draw a quick 5 minute drawing based on a theme of Alicia’s choosing. We’ll round up the drawings and Alicia will find the funny (in a gentle and loving way). No talent required (or encouraged). Supplies provided.
Proof of full vaccination required. Masks required (except while drinking at your seat). To reduce exposure, we are not offering bar service at this show but feel free to BYOB. Doors 6:45pm, show 7pm. Limited capacity. $17 (plus GST & service charge). Brought to you by Hot Art Wet City.
Alicia Tobin is a comedian and writer living and working in Vancouver. She co-hosts two podcasts, Retail Nightmares and Super! Sick! Podcast!, and is the author of the book So You’re a Little Sad, So What? from Arsenal Pulp Press.