April 6, 2013
Buy, collect and trade the art of fifty artists reproduced on trading cards. Sold in mixed packs of five random cards for $5. Want a specific card? Trade with the other people at the party! How bad do you want it?! To see the art and for more info, go to hotartcard.com.
This show featured: Miguel Abreu, Fraser Adams, Russell Alton, i Heart, Danielle Borisoff, MW Bowen, Jenn Brisson, Ali Bruce, Paul Antony Carr, Suite Charlie, Tony Cliff, Ben Z Cooper, Brandon Cotter, Dacosta!, DEDOS, Heather Douglas, Carelle B Dunn, Krystian Guevara, Exploding Haggis, Andrea Hooge, Clare Hooper, Serena “Binky” Inman, Lindsay Ishihiro, Kalynn Kallweit, Jackie Klobucar, Framed Fiend (Artem Kuznetsov), Rich Lehl, Justin Longoz, Becky McEachern, Soizick Meister, Josué Menjivar, Jenna Milsom, Hannah Myers, Howard Penning, Nicole Pinkerton, Joel Rich, Steve Rolston, Mika Senda, Jay Senetchko, Kazimir Simpson, Joseph Taormina, Cherry Thompson, Robin Thompson, Amy Tom, Justin Totemical, Mandy Tsung, andyvanoverberghe, Chris von Szombathy, Aaron White, and Ben Worth.